Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Shaun of the Dead

Okay zombie fans or slacker fans, Shaun of the Dead was actually pretty good. I say this, because it's not the gendre of film that I usually like. But it was offbeat and funny and well written. The gore wasn't scary either. And it had a love theme— it was also about family, friends and zombies. It was pure entertainment. No hard to follow story line. And moments of surprise.

A 29 year old wakes up one day and starts fighting zombies. Something which he learns, he's good at. Or at least has a plan on how to save his mother, girlfriend and best friend to live another day. If you've seen the previews, you've seen the movie but it doesn't begin to give you the offbeat jokes and fun camera shots. Though a bit campy at times, the movie was charming for a horror comedy.

So I'm not giving it the ax. Quite the contrary. If you want to go with a bunch of friends after happy hour, or a date you don't know very well, or someone you've been married to for 10 years, this movie is all-around fun.

Worth the money rating: $$$


What's all the buzz about? An annoying cell phone. Yeah, that's about a sumation of how I felt about this film. It was boring. The chase scenes and supposed action were sedate. I think I would have had more fun watching popcorn blow across the screen. Regardless, the new young guy in the film was cute. And the movie theatre playing this was right by my house so I watched it for lack of something to do on a rainy night.

Woman is kidnapped. College guy who just broke up with his girlfriend gets a phone call from Kim Basinger to save her son and family. And this guy had nothing better to do than to help her because he's a putz and has nothing going for him except tight jeans. He steals a car and tries to make some sassy remarks, yada, yada, yada. He gets the police. The police screw it up. Will Kim and her family die? WHO CARES!

Don't see this movie. Not even if you're bored. Not only will you be bored, but you'll be angry with yourself that you spent money to see this crap.

Worth the money rating: $

How to Marry a Millionare

Sometimes you're in the mood for a classic. What you're not in the mood for is a classic movie to drag on. The pacing of movies like "How to Marry a Millionare" make us very aware of how fast and furious our society is today. Quick action cuts and car crashes with unbelievable Dolby digital surround sound is just what we've been babied on for the last century. Needless to say, back in the day, they sure knew how to make a star, though . Today Marilyn would still give any leading lady a run for her money. She's gorgeous in the film, funny in a ditzy blond way (imagine that) with the wardrobe and figure to match. Lauren Bacall is fabulous as well. The third woman? Don't recall. I don't think she added to the film at all.

Okay the story line is this. Three women in their mid 20's looking for rich gentlemen in New York, thus the title. They search for men with money but end up falling in love and going with their hearts and marrying? Well, you have to see it to find out. But bet you could guess. There's a plot twist at the end but the story line is very predictable. Old movies often are and the fun is seeing how they get to their inevitable ending.

Needless to say, "Gentleman Prefer Blonds" is just a better movie hands down. Dancing and singing numbers, costumes and of course, the famous "Diamonds are a girl's best friend" sung by Marilyn in her pink gown. Plus a cruise ship and swimmers and just eye candy fun.

If you want to watch women trying to marry millionares, just come to Manhattan.

Garden State

Zach Braff. Need I say more? Dynamic, actor, director and a screenwriter to boot. Unstopable. This is the perfect movie to offset his zandy characted, JD, on Scrubs. Zach plays a over-drugged 20-something who goes home to New Jersey for his mother's funeral. "Largeman" is his last name, his friends just call him "Large". He meets quirkly Natalie Portman and the dialogue between the two is memorable and often moving. So are the moments of life that he recalls and shares with the characters on screen and with us. We get to know Largeman and love that he learns to love himself and un-ideally gets us to agree that emotions are worth feeling and experiencing- happy or painful. That's what life is.

Check out this movie. It's a great date movie even if your man is largely into pure entertainment movies without a real story line. It has drugs, sex, strange experiences and it's as funny as you always thought real life could be.

Worth the money rating: $$$$$