Sunday, June 12, 2005

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

How hot can the screen get? In this case... luke warm.

Even though the lead actors were Angelina and Brad, there wasn't enough sizzle to make me hot. Perhaps I'm a hard sell. But I expected a lot more of this movie.

Jane and John are married for about 5 or 6 years. They explain how they met and how boring married life-complacency is. The action is slow to start and has breaks that kill the momentum of the movie. There were pauses for laughs and some winks and some forced comedic scenes. Seeing Angelina shoot guns and be tough isn't a new thing since she's done two Tomb Raider movies. I had the same problem with those movies, too slow of a pace. I was bored by those films and bored by this one.

The storyline lacked. There wasn't even enough sex. The movie was PG13 but I felt teased by only having one sex scene. What are movies for if not to fantasize? Maybe 2 hot people don’t make a hot movie. Kind of like two beautiful people don't make a cute baby.

Anyway, some people clapped for joy that it was a fun ride when it ended. I think Mr. and Mrs. Smith was in the National Treasure area of movies, only National Treasure was a better movie. It was more fun and interesting- fresher. This movie feels as though it was just was put together to make money. And although Brad and Angelina have some chemistry, I just don't think the movie was great. It was trying too hard to be a blockbuster.

For the action sequences, see this movie on-screen. There are some fun kabooms. But this movie is definitely a rental. Angelina and Brad's off screen love affair is much more interesting. Real life often is.

Worth the money rating: $$ ½

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