Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Friends with Money

Okay, so it's another Jennifer Aniston movie. Her character reminds me of the one in The Good Girl. She's dowdy, weird and has no personality in this movie.

Someone said to me that no matter what they do to her, Jen will never look bad. I thought she looked like crap. As she was supposed to. So good going girl.

Anyway, the movie was interesting. It was more about relationships and not really about money. But I suppose the title wasn't just about money.

There's three very different married couples and then there's Jennifer who's alone; she's a maid because she quit her job as a teacher. She's struggling emotionally and wants a no-brainer job. Her friends try to justify her maid status by making excuses for her but wonder whether they'd be friends with her if they hadn't met her in their early less successful years.

All the couples struggle with their own issues. Some problems gets resolved, some don't- true to life.

It wasn't a depressing movie but it wasn't uplifting either. It was kind of - yeah that's life and there are parts that are good and parts that are bad. But in the end we have our friends or hope to have our friends.

I'm not sure it should have won any awards but it was an interesting movie. And it had a good cast.

Worth the money rating: $$$

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