Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Superman Returns

Four friends tried to decide on a movie to see and through the process of elimination we picked this movie, since 3 out of the 4 hadn't seen it yet. They like me waited to see the movie because we couldn't imaging how this Superman movie could be any better than the original with Chrisopher Reeve or better than Smallville on the WB? Did it have a new story to tell?

Well, this movie wasn't better but it was entertaining. Kate Bozeworth was too young to be playing Lois Lane and the whole cast was too young compared to the villian, Lex Luthor. So that irritated me. Kevin Spacey didn't have enough good lines and I think his acting abilities were wasted in this movie. But I do love Parker Posey and she was right on funny somewhat like her character in Scream III.

However, I did like the special effects and the retelling of the same storyline was interesting with the new villianous plot to hold new land up to the highest bidder. But superman looked flawless on screen and even for a superhero his face looked too perfect like he was a 3D creation and not a person- well not an actor playing a hero anyway.

So basically, Lois has moved on from her love of Superman into the arms of the newphew of her boss at the Daily Planet. He's a good guy. One of my friends said, he was too nice, it was irritating. Yeah, I guess men being irritatingly nice would be a turn off compared to a superhero who saves you from a sinking ship or from being squashed from a building- where's the excitement? Hmmm. Well, anyway Lois has a normal life and with superman in her life again (thus the superman returns) she asks, where were you? Have we all been wondering where Superman has been? With everything going on in the world? It's nice to know Superman hasn't forgotten about all us little people and has returned because we all need our own heros to believe in to get through the bad stuff. But Lois struggles with her feelings and whether or not she needs Superman in her life again.

There's drama and action and if you're emotional, some sentiment and tears. But in the end, we were all surprised this was a good movie for it's gendre. My friend who really wasn't into seeing the movie at all said with enthusiasm and awe, "THAT was a GOOD movie." My other friend said, "I really enjoyed it!" And the third, who saw it for the second time said, "Still okay this time around." And I say, "Everytime is like the first time- when it comes to Superman."

Worth the money: $$$

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