I remember vaguely Elizabeth the first movie that Kate Blanchet was in a few years ago. She makes a great Queen in this movie as well. The costumes were beautiful and if you love Clive Owen, you'll love this movie more than ever. He plays a hot Sir Walter Raleigh who's passion and candidness help the Queen through her trying times before England's Golden Age.
In this movie, Queen Elizabeth is tortured by her thought of Mary Queen of Scots taking over her throne. She is also lonely as the Queen without a male companion. She married England and the people are her children, yet Sir Walter Raleigh intruiges her and makes her feel like a women. Her first lady in waiting, also Elizabeth, is her favorite and does her bidding to speak with Sir Walter Raleigh. To him, the Queen shows her vulnerability and fears. And he in return shows his affection to her lady in waiting.
Hearing of a plot to assinate her, Elizabeth decides to have Mary Queen of Scots beheaded. This leads Spain to declare a religious war on England. Elizabeth has beheaded a true heir and religous monarch, Mary. A great fleet is sent to conquer England. Spain is confident it will win.
Court intrigue heigtens. There are deaths and betrayls. Elizabeth is the pillar of strength for her court and her country though she is scared to her wits end.
This was a long movie, but well worth it. I especially like time period pieces, so it held extra charm for me going in.
Worth the money: $$$$
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