So Ashton is in a movie with Katherine where he plays a hired killer. I haven't seen Ashton in a sort of tough guy role before, and me likie! Not only does he look hot, but his character is a great guy. Someone you'd want to marry. And really too great to be believable.
Picture Katherine who has broken up with a boyfriend and she takes a vacation with her parents to Nice, France. Played by none other than Tom Selleck (Magnum PI and Friends) and Catherine O'Hara (better known as the mom in Home Alone and Beetlejuice), her parents embarrass her. She bumps into Ashton and they start dating. A few years later they end up married, and that's when all the lies start coming out. The big one this marriage has to survive is not infidelity. Just a plain big old lie. Once Katherine really finds out who her husband is the real action starts. As in bullets, bad guys, and trouble in suburbia.
All in all, it was a fun movie. Better than I expected. And honestly I didn't expect much after The Ugly Truth with Gerrad Bulter. I've been a fan of Katherine's since her Roswell days. And who could forget her performance as Izzy cutting L-vat wires or her awful dresses in 28 dresses or her role in Knocked Up. It'd be nice if she could stop making light romantic comedies and mix it up with some crime drama or something different.
That all being said... I'd pay-per-view, Netflix or see it at matinee price. It's not a movie you'd want to buy. But it does pass the time. And I thought they were cute together. This is still a chick-flick movie, so drag your man if you want but don't expect him to love it.
Worth the money: $$ 1/2
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