Of course I went to see this movie the moment it came out. Just late in posting... The opening scene for this movie with Jesse Eisenberg set the pace for a fast-talking, fast friend- and foe-making insider look at the rise of Mark Zuckerberg, founder/creator of FACEBOOK.
In a short video clip of an interview with Zuckerberg that I saw, he stated charismatically that the film makers took big liberities with the story. He wishes he was partying etc. but he was in fact "coding" the whole time. Also, I'm not sure about the whole, he created FACEBOOK to impress a girl who had dumped him. And this is well, not an autobiography or biography - it's a movie that takes you for a fun ride based loosely on the truth. The truth is something only the real people involved would know.
This movie had everything I wanted to see in a movie and possibly in real life. And made, I'm sure a great recruitment add for already aspirational colleges Harvard, MIT, etc. schools. Kids all over are dreaming of being the next youngest billionaire and coming up with the next big idea.
Justin Timberlake was attractive as Sean Parker, the founder of Napster. His acting resume is getting fatter and his talents further revealed in each movie he makes. I liked his swagger as Parker and how his "slimeball" personality clashed with the "good guy" persona of Eduardo. The Winklevoss twins played well by Armie Hammer Jr. added some nice eye candy, pedigree and drama to this tale.
All in all, it was a wonderful tale of greed, deception, success and, unfortunately, the loss of friendship. When you have 500 million friends, how do you know if any of them are real?
Worth the money: $$$$ 1/2
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