Sunday, December 18, 2005

Harry Potter

Well, we're on movie 3? or is it 4? I've seen them all, and this one wasn't my favorite. Not sure if it's because the actors are older or that the story lacked in places.

Sorry, but I haven't read any of these books but I'm sure there is a debate as to which is better. But I'm sure the book was great compared to the movie.

In the Goblet of Fire, Harry finds himself in the Tri-Wizard Tournament which is a skills competition between a school of girls, a school of rough boys and Hogwarts. The challenges faced at the different stages of the tournament bring out Harry's virtues and fears. He faces Lord Voldemort again. Lives are lost. And Harry gets his first crush.

I would have liked to have seen more of the romance but I guess at 14, what is there to tell?

The adults in this film like Alan Rickman as Professor Snape are great. Although I do miss the old Dumbledor. The special effects are fun and well done.

The ending was flat.

Worth the money: $$$

Pride and Prejudice

This movie was awesome. Jane Austen's novel was brought to life on the big screen, exactly as it should be. Keira Knightley was a believable "Lizzy" and Mr. Darcy, Mathew Macfadyen or "MM" was Mr. YuMMy- well in a brooding, dark sort of way. His eyes gave way to his soul- a bitter-sweet guy. Just the kind we all want to be our Mr. Darcy in real life.

Anyway, it's sad to think that's all women had to think about was finding a husband but this tale is certainly entertaiing. The time period costumes were fun and I liked hearing Knightley banter with her quick wit, hurried speech and that twinkle in her eye. This is probably the best role I've seen her in. Much preferred to her Excalibur role, though Clive Owen was one hot Arthur. Which would have motivated me to be in that film as well.

It's a fun tale of love for the holiday season. Eat it up, but remember you can always purge after the holidays are over if you're not of that sort.

Worth the money: $$$$

King Kong

It was 11p.m. Friday night when I went to see this movie. Who knew it was 3 hours long? Needless to say, it wasn't worth staying awake for.

I didn't see the original King Kong. But the famous scene of him being on the Empire State Building everyone knows. This movie was laughable. I say that because Naiomi Watts was over the top as the "beauty" in this movie. The scenes she shares with King Kong seem somewhere out of a storybook Disney movie while the others seem like a Jurassic Park re-do.

The special effects are quite good in areas, and unbelievable (being bad) in other area. I found myself laughing through the island scenes and the savages found on Kong's island were from yet another movie it seemed.

The ending was flat and overdramatized. It all seemed like a bad silent film and the dialogue made it worse.

This is the first time I've seen Jack Black cast in a more serious role but I'd rather watch him again in School of Rock.

This movie is a loser. And not worth your attention for 3 hours no matter what hour you start.

Worth the money rating: $$ 1/2